Hello, welcome back today I worked on finishing my All About Me Commercial. I just have a few finishing touches to do and clean up the editing a little. In my last production blog, I left off from adding effects and transitions. Now I decided to add text to my commercial. In the first photo, I added a text saying "All about Me Commercial". To do this I clicked on the "add text." Typed in the "Enter text..." 'All About Me Commercial'. The font I chose was "Modern". I then wanted an effect on my text. To do this, I went to "Animation" which is shown when you click on the text it gives many options for what you want to do to the text. The animation I chose was "Type 1" I found it in the "in" tab of "animation." The duration of the text starts halfway through the first photo and ends halfway through the second clip of my siblings and me at the swings. The next text I added was in my second video of my siblings at the beach. The text I put said "By: Elizabeth Ehney" I used the same font as my first text which is "Modern". I also wanted an effect for this text I used the "Type 1" effect for it. To get this text it was the same process as the other one. This text is only shown for half of the video. I also added another text to the end of the video because it looked empty. I added a text box that said "Thank you for watching". I put it on the last clip of my friend and me at the pool. I used the same effect and font as the other text boxes I put. Lastly, for each text box, I put a "stroke" which is an outline of the words. I put the "stroke" color as black. To do this I went to "Style" which is one of the tabs that shows when you click on your text. Then on the bottom I clicked "stroke". I adjusted it to how much I wanted it to show. Each text has a size 9 stroke. Next, I deleted a few Zoom effects because they didn't match well with the commercial. It made it look too choppy and didn't flow well with the other clips together. I deleted the Zoom effects there was one that zoomed in on me holding a cupcake and the other I deleted was the video of my friend and I. I deleted it in those places because I didn't like how it looked. After doing this my commercial was finally done. Thank you for reading and bye.
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