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 1. 1. How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues?

My music video uses conventions from my genre because it has many of the same shots, editing, lighting, and costumes that are used in my music video. For example, as I researched into my genre “pop”. A music video that I researched is “Love me harder” by Ariana Grande. In this music video it uses establishing shots, medium close-up, and tracking shots. In my music video I incorporated these shots into it. Such as in scene nine there is an establishing shot of Publix. And as the girl (main character) walks out of Publix there is a medium close-up of her holding flowers. Another example is a tracking shot used in scene three of her walking in the neighborhood. These conventions used in my music shows that it’s similar to conventions used in my genre. Another music video I used to research in my genre was “everything i wanted” by Billie Eilish. In this music video it represents an experience of Billie having a nightmare that all her friends and fans turned her back on after committing suicide. In my music video I wanted to have a message to it so, my music video message is someone experiencing a hard time after a break up but eventually moves on. I would consider this a social problem many people deal with because break ups with your boyfriend or girlfriend affects people a lot. It can lead to many problems such as depression. 

2. How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a real media text?

My product engages with audiences by representing a social problem that many deal with. My music video shows the story of this girl who got broken up by her boyfriend and shows the ugly side but also the positive side that comes from it. This is a relatable topic that many people experience or are dealing with right now. The music video tells the journey of this girl who is first sad about being broken up with her boyfriend but, in the end, accepts it and starts her new beginnings. The music video starts by showing the girl texting her boyfriend, looking at her phone all day, and being upset. However, she begins to realize that it was a good thing he broke up with her because it showed his true colors. This would want many to watch my product because it can show people who are dealing with this situation how to move on and accept it. This would be distributed as a real media text on Youtube. YouTube would be a good platform to release this because it's a music video and a bunch of other music videos get uploaded. People who are interested in watching music videos would most likely go to YouTube for a certain platform.

3. How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

My production skills developed throughout this project by learning the amount of time, planning, and dedication needed to make a music video. I learned about many things. The things I learned through this project are researching and planning. These were so important to do before filming my music video. Research taught me about music videos. Such as the conventions that are used in music videos like the camera angles, makeup, costumes, and how music videos can be used to represent social groups/issues. Planning taught me how music videos could start with a storyboard and the amount of work needed to draw and plan what the music video would be like. This showed me how this was an important step in making a music video because it's how the ideas get made. Filming taught me that it establishes the atmosphere, mood, characters' feelings, and narrative development. Filming took a long time to do because of the different locations and times. Some scenes were at night and others at farther locations so, there needed to be a schedule to make everything work. Editing is what brings everything together. Editing taught me that it helps make the music video feel like a music video because of the transitions and putting the scenes together. All these processes are long and time-consuming but, without them, there wouldn't be a music video. It shows that music videos are a long process and need a lot of commitment.


4. How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?

I integrate technologies in these projects by using my phone to film. I used my phone to film because it's something I am familiar with and used to using. I used my phone many times to take videos or pictures so it would be convenient to use. I also know how to transfer my videos to Capcut from my phone so, it would be an easier process to do than using a camera because I'm not familiar with using a camera. With a camera, you have to use a USB to transport the videos, which is something I never done before, so I don’t want to risk losing my videos because I can’t get them. I used Capcut to edit this project because I used it before for my commercial, so I'm familiar with using it. Compared to other editing software programs they are harder to use and I find Capcut more simpler to use. With CapCut I just need to click on “new project” to make a new project for the music video. CapCut is an app on iPhone. Which makes it easier to access my photos and videos needed for the music video. Without having to send it to my laptop. Another thing about CapCut is that adding transitions and effects is not complicated. Because all I have to do is click on the video I want to have effects and then scroll on the dashboard to find the effects. Then they have many effects I can choose from, so I look through the effects until I find the one I want. I click on the effect I want and it shows on my video. Which makes it very easy to use. I used Blogger to blog about my project because Blogger is simpler and easier to use. I used Blogger for my previous project so I'm familiar with using it. Blogger is simple because it has easy access to create a new blog by just clicking on “new post”. I can name it and type it. Afterward, I'm able to publish it. It's an easy process to do without it getting complicated.


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