My Bed
Elizabeth (main character)
(On phone) Hey girl I just got this new dog it's one of a kind I paid 10 million for it.
Natalie (Friend)
Oh my gosh, that's crazy! I can't believe you got it so many people were trying to get it.
Elizabeth (main character)
I know I have to go now I'm going to walk him!
My house (downstairs)
Elizabeth (main character)
Come on Neptune (the dog) let's get ready for our walk.
20 seconds later
Okay, we're done lets go.
The neighborhood
Elizabeth (main character)
Wow, it's a sunny day Neptune (the dog) I can tell it's going to be a good day at the Park.
Elizabeth (main character)
We're here! Let's play. Neptune (the dog) go catch the ball. (Phone rings) Hello?
Unknown voice
Dog. Dog. Dog. Mine.
Elizabeth (main character)
These scam calls are annoying.
30 seconds later
Neptune come here. Neptune??? Where are you?? (reads note) "I have your dog". Oh my god, I need to call 911. Hello, I need help my dog got kidnapped.
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