I continued to film. I began filming the next scenes on January 31 a couple days after my first-time filming. On this day I was finishing up the scenes that were in my house. My sister was helping me film again while I was acting. The first thing that was filmed was me leaving the bed and walking to my dog in the next room. This was a tracking shot so, while I was acting the camera was following me. This took a couple of tries to do because the tracking shot was either faster than my walking pace or too slow. The next thing I did after that was pick up my dog. This was easy to do because the scene was only about ten seconds or less. After I did the next scene which transitioned to me putting on my dog's leash downstairs. For this, I had to put my dog's leash on. This was simple to do because I walk my dog regularly, so I didn't have any trouble putting on the leash. This took about thirty minutes to do. It was longer than expected because I wasn't satisfied with the filming so, I had to re-do this scene multiple times. After I filmed the last scene of the house. Which is me talking to my dog. This was difficult to do because, my dog kept moving around and wasn't standing still so, I had to redo it many times. I would say this took around forty-five minutes. Which is a long time for this short scene. After filming the house scenes, I reviewed them and made sure I got all of them. It took me about an hour and thirty minutes to finish filming all of these house scenes. I was done for that day of filming. Thank you for reading see you in my next blog. Bye.
On February 28 I was finding the music to use for my opening sequence. For my opening sequence, I needed to use copyright-free music. I was able to find some on YouTube that were copyright-free by searching for them. I needed to find an upbeat and cheerful song to use for the beginning of the opening sequence when the main character is listening to music. So, the first thing I searched for was copyright-free music for pop. The song that I found and used was Royalty Free uploaded by a YouTube channel that allows them to use their music as long as you give them credit. I used the "BreakingCopyright" YouTube channel's "Crazy About You" song for the beginning of my opening sequence. Another song that I used that was able to be free was "Mystery 7 Suspense Background Music for Films & Documentaries" by the YouTube channel "LVKEHOUSE" which allows anyone to use these sounds without any copyright claims. To find the mysterious sound effects I w...
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